Black and White Chic: Avian Beauties Sporting Bold Crimson Hoods

Introducing the Yellow-billed Cardinal – a stylish and streamlined bird boasting a gray back, white chest and collar, and a striking red hood that’s simply impossible to ignore.

The yellow-billed cardinal, scientifically known as Paroaria capitata, is a small bird that measures about 6 inches (15 cm) in length. This beautiful bird has a bright yellow-orange bill and legs that match its overall color scheme. Its head is adorned with a vibrant shade of red while the throat is black. The underparts of this bird are pure white, while the back, wings, and tail are a medium shade of gray.

Both genders appear almost identical, with juveniles sporting a brown-orange head and brown upper body.

The species of this feathered friend can be spotted in various regions, including Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, and northern Argentina. It was also brought to the island of Hawai’i as an introduction.

The yellow-billed cardinal typically inhabits damp scrublands, particularly in the vicinity of swamplands and wet grasslands by river and lake shores. Their habitat ranges from sea level to approximately 500 meters in altitude.

These creatures have a diverse diet, including seeds, fruits, and small invertebrates.

During the breeding season, from October to February, yellow-billed cardinals construct a nest using plant fibers and rootlets that is shaped like a deep cup. The nests are usually placed in small trees or scrub and are relatively low to the ground. After building the nest, the female lays between 2 to 4 eggs that are white or cream-colored with brown streaks. She then incubates the eggs alone for about two weeks until they hatch. The chicks remain in the nest for another 10 to 15 days before they fledge. A pair of cardinals can raise up to four broods per season.

The bird’s population is steady, and it can be found in many places, which is why it is considered of Least Concern by the IUCN Red List.

Check out the video down below to catch a glimpse of this feathered creature!

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