“Pico the Blind Cat: A Remarkable Senior Feline with a Unique Story”

Monica is a woman who always had a deep love for cats and dreamed of having one to call her own. Her wish came true when she was just nine years old, and her family gifted her a precious kitty. Monica and her furry friend, Pico, have been inseparable ever since, growing up together in Canada as best friends. Despite Pico’s condition of bilateral glaucoma, which caused him to lose his sight completely five years ago, Monica’s love for him remained unwavering. In fact, she is determined to make sure that Pico lives the most joyful life possible until his last breath. Recently, Pico gained attention on social media due to his unique feature, and Monica shared more about him with me after I read about him in a New York Post article. So, without further ado, meet the adorable Pico!

Pico the Blind Cat

Do you recall how Pico became a part of your life? Well, it all started when I was just nine years old and had a strong desire to have a feline companion. With a stroke of luck, my parents finally agreed that I could have a cat for my birthday. We decided to adopt one from a vet who was searching for a loving home. That’s when we received the news that there was a cat, who recently survived a car accident, and was in a coma seeking for adoption. As soon as we met him, we knew he was the perfect match for us. He was snuggly, kind, and absolutely adorable! Without any hesitation, we took him home with us.


Do you know how Pico got his name? Well, my dad was the one who came up with it. He noticed that my cat had dots on his body, so he decided to name him Pico, which means dots in French. It’s funny to think about it now, but that’s how my little feline friend got his unique and fitting name. By the way, Pico had green eyes back then, which made him even more adorable.

PIco the Blind Cat

PIco the Blind Cat

Can you describe his personality?
He has a charmingly child-like personality, craving attention and always wanting to be by my side. He’s affectionate and enjoys cuddling with me, often settling in for a good night’s sleep on my bed. In addition, he has an unusual fixation with brushes and loves when I groom him.

What are his preferred pastimes?
He is a laid-back fellow who loves to eat and sleep. Whenever it’s mealtime, his enthusiasm is evident, and he can’t wait to dig in. During the summer months, he loves to spend time outdoors where he enjoys exploring and lounging in the sun.

PIco the Blind Cat

PIco the Blind Cat

Is there something unique about my furry little friend Pico that I’d like to share with you? Well, for starters, he may be blind but he’s no lost pup. He knows his way around the house like a pro and I’ve had him by my side for eight years now. The bond between us is unbreakable and I’d do anything for him. If you’re concerned about his eyes, let me put your mind at ease. He’s not in any pain and I’ve taken him to the vet multiple times. We give him eye drops to help him out and I take care of him like royalty. So don’t worry about Pico – he’s living the good life!

Pico the Blind Cat

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